This past Friday, #genchat was all about St. Louis research. I was delighted to have the St. Louis Genealogical Society join me in a "everything you need to know" style question & answer chat.
As the excitement builds for the National Genealgoical Society 2015 Family History Conference, I wanted to do something special. So I was very happy when the St. Louis Genealogical Society reached out to me on Twitter, and agreed to work together on a collaborative #genchat session. This was, in my opinion, a great way to put us all into the mindset for St. Louis research and a great way to introduce us to the true experts in that area.
A few highlights for me from the chat included the timeline they provided for ethnic migation through the area.
You get the idea, the content they were able to contribute was amazing!
To read the entire chat, please visit the Storify page, where you can actually find several chats preserved. Everyone is welcome to join in on #genchat, every other Friday on Twitter. You can find all the details on our website: Follow the chats at @_genchat.
I would encourage all of you to add the St. Louis Genealogical Society to your Twitter feed, @StLGS, as well as the National Genealogical Society @NGSgenealogy. Follow me during the conference for updates and activities! @ancestryjourney
If your society would like to work together with me on a future #genchat, please contact me! I think this is a fantastic way to get the message out about all of the wonderful organizations around the world.
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