09 January 2014

The Countdown Begins

Two years ago, I watched live streamed sessions from RootsTech 2012. I promised myself, less than 15 minutes into the keynote, that I would go. I would go to that conference, attend those sessions, meet those people. More than any other webinar, conference, hangout, or anything else I have ever seen, RootsTech was it. 

And now? 

Not only have I kept that promise to myself by attending RootsTech 2014, I am presenting a session, too. 

Sweaty palms? Check.
Butterflies? Check.
Anxious wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night panic moments? Check. 

(Ok, this last one is pushing it a bit. I'm not that nervous!)

What I have more of, though, is friendship and support. 

My mentor will be there. My #genchat friends will be there. Folks that I respect will be speaking, blogging, and otherwise networking (and maybe one or two will even come to listen!). People that I have never met before will be there; thousands of them. 

I always get a little nervous before public speaking, but within five minutes or so, I settle into my topic, and I'm good after that. I enjoy it! Engaging with people, bringing new information to them, sharing something I am passionate about; that is a part of my job I truly enjoy. It fits in so nicely with my three words for 2014, too, doesn't it? 

NGS 2013
While attending the National Genealogical Society Conference last May in Las Vegas, I met some really incredible people. Made some truly lasting friendships, and learned a great deal. Not just about genealogy (that's a given, right?), but about myself as well. I cannot wait to see what happens in Salt Lake City. 

I still have quite a bit to do before we head west, and I'm sure I'll be blogging as I go. If you are planning on attending, please leave a comment so we can connect in person! 

Beyond the conference, the session, and the great folks, I get to spend some time at the Family History Library, too... bliss. 

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